The international consortium led by Gyöngyös City Deveépment Non-profit Ltd. won a total of EUR 210 480 in the framework of the project. The consortium includes the Municipality of Gyöngyös, the Municipality of Lucenec (Slovakia), the Municipality of Lodygowice (Poland) and the Municipality of Targu Secuiesc, with the Municipality of Lendava (Slovenia) and the Municipality of Sanok (Poland) as its follower cities. The aim of the project is to present EU values, to get to know each other, to build new economic and social relations and to submit further joint applications. During the implementation 8 local and 4 on-line events will be organised. The competition focuses mainly on NGOs in cities, with the aim of creating new collaborations and joint projects based on European values.
Projectnumber: 101138259
What is

Gyöngyös este a doua așezare ca mărime din județul Heves, centrul districtului Gyöngyös, cu o populație de aproximativ 27.000 de locuitori. Prima mențiune scrisă a orașului datează din secolul al XIII-lea, dar conform ultimelor cercetări istorice, acesta a fost deja în timpul cuceririi, în secolele IX - X. în aşezare locuiau şi oameni în secolul al XVI-lea.
Istoria orașului Gyöngyös este împletită cu viticultură și producția de vin, care până în prezent oferă un mijloc de existență pentru mulți în și în jurul orașului. Gyöngyös este așezarea centrală a regiunii viticole Mátra, care este a doua cea mai mare regiune viticolă din Ungaria și are cea mai mare suprafață în rândul oamenilor de munte.
Orașul de la granița Marii Câmpii și a Munților Centrali Nordici este cunoscut și ca poarta de intrare către Mátra, dar aspirațiile ultimilor ani îndreaptă în direcția capitalei Mátra. În zona administrativă Gyöngyös se află cel mai înalt vârf de munte din Ungaria, Kékestető, și cel mai înalt lac din țară, Sástó. Cu facilitățile sale excelente, aer bun și cazare de înaltă calitate, Mátra este una dintre cele mai populare destinații turistice din țară.

Târgu Secuiesc a fost menţionat pentru prima dată în 1407 şi declarat loc de târg în 1427 de către regele Sigismund. Orașul avea o industrie de bresle semnificativă în Evul Mediu. Particularitatea sa este că porțile caselor din jurul pieței principale, fosta piață, se află toate la capătul unei străzi numită curte. Astăzi există 70 de curți în oraș. Târgu Secuiesc mai este numit şi oraşul breslelor, al corbilor şi al curţilor, dar orăşelul a fost numit şi Parisul celor Trei Scaune.
Majoritatea clădirilor de pe piaţa principală din Kézdivásárhely au fost construite în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea şi începutul secolului al XX-lea.
Muzeul de Istorie al Breslei László Incze este găzduit în clădirea fostei primărie, construită în 1857.

Satul Lodygowice este situat în sudul Poloniei și are o populație de peste 14.000 de locuitori. Satul într-un cadru pitoresc are un capăt direct la Lacul Zywiecki. Datorită rețelei de drumuri montane bine dezvoltate, satul poate fi abordat foarte ușor de turiști. În sat se află numeroase monumente, printre care Complexul Castel și Parc neogotic sau biserica romano-catolică de lemn construită între anii 1631-1634.
Așezarea este renumită pentru un grup de 50 de persoane numită Magurzanie și un cor numit Magurzanki. Pe parcursul carierei grupului de dans, corul va cânta de 550 de ori de 720 de ori în multe țări europene.

Orașul Losonc este centrul cultural și economic al regiunii Nógrád și centrul geografic al părții de sud a Slovaciei Centrale, despre care se menționează prima mențiune scrisă.
Datorită dezvoltării sale în secolul al XIX-lea, frumoasele clădiri Art Nouveau ale caselor city înconjoară strada TG Masaryk. Aici se află și numeroase instituții bancare, case de afaceri și Biblioteca Nógrád. Inima nucleului istoric al orașului este Piața Kubínyi, care a fost creată pe locul vechii piețe, probabil în Evul Mediu. De asemenea, găzduiește clădirea istorică Vigadó, două biserici și Muzeul și Galeria Nógrád, precum și primăria istorică. Una dintre cele mai căutate și mai impresionante clădiri din orașul nostru este Sinagoga renovată.
Dacă doriți să stați și să vă relaxați într-un cadru natural frumos, vizitați parcul, construit în stilul francez, englez și de grădinărit peisagistic, care este unul dintre cele mai frumoase din Slovacia. Vă invităm cu căldură să ne vizitați!
The opening event of the Citizens for Towns project (#CFT) was held in Losonc, Slovakia, on 27-28 July 2024. Delegations from all four cities attended the meeting. Hungary was represented by Gyöngyös, Romania by Targu Secuiesc and Poland by Lodygowice, alongside the host town of Lucenec. The event - Artistic Days - Competition of Creativity took place in the framework of the International Novohrad Folklore Festival 2024. During the festival, there were a number of performances, craft fairs, family activities and gastronomic events. ADuring the opening conference on the first day, the partners discussed the details of the project, followed by a joint press briefing. The mayors of the participating cities discussed the results they expect from the project. The workshops included presentations by NGOs, craftspeople and a craft fair.

2. NGO training in Gyöngyös
Leaders of civil society organisations from four cities met in Gyöngyös in the framework of the Citizens for Towns project, 09-11 August 2024. At the Hungarian meeting, delegations from Gyöngyös, Targu Secuiesc (Transylvania, Romania), Lodygowice (Poland) and Lucenec (Slovakia) took part in a full-day training session, in addition to cultural and gastronomic programmes. The programme started with a city quiz on Friday, during which foreign visitors had to answer questions about the city in a playful way, and ended with dinner and wine tasting. On Saturday, the programme continued with a full day of training. With the help of trainers Katalin Fekete and Katalin Sabján, the present members of national and foreign NGOs took part in a one-day training in a playful way. The aim of the programme was to enable the members of the delegations to get to know each other better and to brainstorm and create a development strategy together. During the morning, the towns were organised into teams, and in the afternoon, with the help of the trainers, the training continued in mixed teams, with the organisers occasionally adding team games. In the programme, the trainers focused primarily on what can be achieved by the civil society organisations of a city without any special financial investment, simply by joining forces. During the programme, it soon became clear that the protection of the environment and the improvement and beautification of their immediate surroundings was a priority for the civic community. By the end of the day, they had created a joint project repository of ideas for improvement that they had developed together. The programme ended with a gala performance by the Tomory Gábor Folk Dance School, where members of the delegations themselves joined the dance on stage at the end of the evening.

The Citizens for Towns project (project number: 101138259) continued in Losonc, with the third event taking place in the framework of the Losonc Town Days Festival (Slovakia). This time, the visiting delegations were able to learn about the cultural traditions and tourist good practices of Losonc. The project included a visit to local tourist attractions renovated with the help of EU funding, such as a veteran car meeting, a visit to the renovated building of the old municipality, now a museum, and a visit to the new interactive exhibition of the town's history. As part of the workshop, they also visited the village of Gács, where, in addition to the famous castle, they had the opportunity to see the interactive exhibition in the new Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar Memorial House. The famous painter spent part of his life in the village, and during the guided tour the participants were also informed about some of the most interesting facts and secrets of his life. The consortium partners also took part in the City Days programme, where the Polish partner Lodygowice's folk dance group Magurzanie was also presented on stage. The meeting ended with the presentation of the Novohrad local product trademark.
3. City Days in Lucenec
1. Project opening event in Losoncon
Evenimente desfășurate

4. Lodygowice Harvest Festival
On September 7-9, 2024, the penultimate stationary event in 2024 took place in Łodygowice, hosted by the Łodygowice Commune. Three foreign delegations came to Łodygowice: from Hungary (Gyöngyös), Slovakia(Lucenec) and Romania(Targu Secuiesc), a total of over 75 people represented by representatives of social organizations operating in their area. The topic of the meeting was called: "Through culture to friendship." The organizations participating in the project included entities dealing with: culture, sports, education, health prevention, and grassroots social initiatives, which had the opportunity to present their activities during the opening conference of the "Citizens for Towns" project on September 7 2024. The conference participants included representatives of organizations from Łodygowice commune who actively participated in the partnership project, taking part both in trips abroad this year as well as in planned events in Łodygowice commune. During the Conference, the participants symbolically created a work in the form of a common tree, which was a reference to the trees planted as part of the partnership in the city of Gyöngyös. The first day of the project ended with a joint sports event in which all delegations took part. Integration through sport was an opportunity to build cooperation, despite the language barrier.
The second day of the guests' visit was an opportunity for them to participate in the Municipal Harvest Festival organized this year in Pietrzykowice, which gathered many residents and observers. The project participants took part in the Parade and then in the official harvest festival ceremonies. They had the opportunity to meet residents and organizations from the Łodygowice area again, this time acting as hosts who proudly presented their local heritage during the Municipal Harvest Festival. Then the delegations went together to visit the Żywiec Brewery Museum, exploring the traditions of brewing, and to know good practice to use these traditions in the tourism. The event in Łodygowice was an opportunity to get to know each other about Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian and Slovenian cultures, and for non-governmental organizations it was an opportunity to strengthen international cooperation. The aim of the project is to create opportunities to deepen cooperation. Project participants took advantage of this opportunity during project events in Łodygowice.


Citizens For Towns - Gyöngyösi civil találkozó
Közösségi média:
Mestské noviny, 20/16, 30.08.2024

Közösségi média:
5. Kézdivásárhelyre látogattak a civil szervezetek

A „Citizens for towns” program részeként 2024 októberében háromnapos találkozót tartottak Kézdivásárhely, amelyen romániai magyar, szlovákiai, lengyelországi, szlovéniai és szlovéniai civil szervezetek képviselői vettek részt. A rendezvény célja a nemzetközi együttműködés előmozdítása, a civil szervezetek közötti kapcsolatok erősítése és a városok közötti partnerség elmélyítése volt. A rendezvény programja: konferencia, civil szervezetek szakmai fóruma, helyi kistermelők látogatása, folklór előadás.
Részletes program: október 5-én, szombaton került sor nyitókonferenciára, ahol a vezető partner bemutatja a projektet, majd a résztvevő települések delegációinak bemutatkozása következik. A fogadó település civil szervezetei tartottak előadásokat, majd kapcsolatépítési lehetőségekről zajlott kerekasztal beszélgetés. Ezt követően városnézésre került sor. Vasárnap a résztvevők meglátogatták a Szentkereszty Stephanie által 1872-ben alapított helyi civil szervezetet, ahol megismerhették az intézmény működését. Ezt követen Szántó József mézeskalácskészítő műhelyében a hagyományos süteménykészítés megismerésére volt lehetőség, amely a város egyik jellegzetessége és kulturális örökségének része. Este pedig gálaesten vehettek részt a delegációk tagjai, ahol néptánc és népzenei előadás tartottak a Gábor Áron Néptáncegyüttes előadásában, a delegációk fellépésével. Hétfőn a rendezvény záró megbeszélése, a következő találkozó előkészítése volt a téma. A rendezvény értékes kapcsolatokat teremtett a civil szervezetek között, megalapozva a jövőbeli együttműködéseket és a legjobb gyakorlatok megosztását, amelyek hosszú távon támogathatják a városok közötti partnerségeket és fejlesztési kezdeményezéseket.
A találkozó lehetőséget biztosított a városok és a civil szervezetek közötti kapcsolatok előmozdítására és az együttműködés lehetséges területeinek megvitatására. A kulturális programok, a közös étkezések és a szervezett látogatások erősítették a résztvevők közötti bizalmat és partnerséget. A program sikeres volt, és hozzájárult a résztvevő városok közötti kapcsolatok megerősítéséhez, különös hangsúlyt fektetve a helyi civil közösségek bevonására.
Közösségi média, videó összefoglaló vagy dokumentumfilm a Green Sun Egyesület által:

Gyöngyösi Várostérség Fejlesztő Nonprofit Kft.
3200 Gyöngyös Fő tér 10.